How to Play

It's easy to start playing now.


You choose one of the sneakers in ANY size and grab a limited ticket.

1 ticket = 1 entry

Purchasing 1 ticket gives you 1 entry into the game. You can get up to 10 tickets at once.


Once you've picked your sneakers you can play "Find the Ball".

A ball will be hidden in an image and you need to place your marker where you think the center of the ball is located.

Closest entry wins the sneakers


When the competition is over, the entry closest to the center of the ball is analysed and the winner declared.

They will be announced and contacted about receiving their winning pair of sneakers.

The runners-up will also be contacted and receive their prizes.

For full visibility and fairness, everyone will also be able to view the results on the website.


See below for answers to some important questions. If you are still in doubt then contact us here.

  • How are runners up decided?

    There are 2 runners up places in addition to the main winner. They are determined by analysing the results and finding the two next closest entries after the winner.

    Prizes may vary from month to month and are chosen by us. Always sneaker related of course!

  • Can someone have an advantage over me?

    At this point, absolutely all entries have an equivalent advantage. The same image is given to everyone.

  • How is the center of the ball determined?

    We employ 3 independent parties to collaborate and come to an agreement on the pixel co-ordinates on the center of the ball before the competition starts and is never changed. This ensures the utmost fairness in the result.

Limited Tickets
100% Authenticated